Tuesday, January 18, 2011

mint hill madness

back in the summer my sister-in-law and myself had a booth
at mint hill madness.

my sister-in-law makes beautiful baby stuff.
hair bows, hats, blankets, crayon bags, burp diapers, and diaper bags
(you can fin her here mcgeemommy)

here are a few of the things i sold at mint hill madness:

high chair

cowboy chair
(this chair was free and i wish i had a before picture b/c it was a awful
dirty denim blue, it sold with in 30 minutes of getting our booth set up)

black & white chair

it was a lot of fun. hopefully we will be able to do something like this again.
does anybody know of a good place to?

1 comment:

  1. Hannah I absolutely LOVE that last chair, everything about it is gorgeous!
