Tuesday, January 4, 2011


i decided to start this blog to share my love of vintage things. i am so inspired by all the talented blogs i read every day, or "blog land" as i call it. i hope to be able to share my love for refinishing old furniture, not only for in my own home but possibly for yours also.

a few things about me...

* i am married to a great guy
(he is hard working and a little stubborn but at the end of the day hes my best friend)

* i have crazy little boy

* i love to go junk hunting
* i hate clutter
* i love taking a old piece of furniture and turning it into something lovely


& after
(same style chairs i just did them different)

* i live in the country and love it
(despite the hard work that comes with it)
* i love paint and fabric
* i have a antique plate collection
* i love cherry lemon sundrop
* i enjoy mowing my yard
(it is so peaceful)
* i am getting used to this whole blog thing, so don't give up on me yet!


  1. Cool, I love seeing before and afters of furniture makeovers and I love reading blogs so I'll keep checking back!

  2. Yeah !!!! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see all of your stuff!

  3. Those chairs are awesome. Can't wait to see what else you have in store!!

  4. Welcome to blogland or blogworld or whatever it is! Looking forward to what you have in store.

  5. Hannah this is awesome! Love it!!

  6. Just stumbled on your blog. I absolutely love what you have done with that chair. I am currently trying to re-do a small bookcase I got for FREE! It's pretty rough but I want to use it for Adelyn's room. I might ask you for tips! Hope you're doing well Hannah!
